Maakruimte voor Mooi NL

Type Embassy
Maakruimte voor Mooi NL

The Netherlands is facing major spatial challenges, such as housing, water, agriculture, mobility, but also inclusiveness and health. Challenges that call for major changes. What will the Netherlands look like in the future? And more importantly: how do we make that attractive future image a reality?


Within the Maakruimte voor Mooi NL (Creating space for Mooi NL) learning community, public clients, designers and scientists join forces to explore the transformative power of design together and from different perspectives. Because more and more stakeholders believe in the power of design to achieve an integrated approach to spatial tasks. Yet, the transformative power of design thinking and doing is still underused in many places. The Make space for Mooi NL learning community is making a case for a better understanding of using imagination and creativity in complex spatial issues.

At the heart of the learning community are 36 core team members: frontrunners in the field of design thinking and doing. They believe in the transformative power of design: in the power of imagination to create attractive future perspectives, to awaken the desire for a better future and to dare to take concrete steps towards that new future together.

Within the learning community of Make space for Mooi NL, we aim to unravel how to create space for the power of design within complex spatial challenges. We do this through three core teams, each focusing on a specific theme: sustainable agriculture & nature, energy & circular economy, livable cities & regions. The core teams consist of participants from local governments, the design field, science, and the policy world, all catalysts for change from their respective positions.

The first phase of the learning community runs until April 2024 and is dedicated to exploring and mapping out Making Space. Where does space exist for design strength, and where is it lacking? Who is responsible for creating this space? And how can you help each other make space? During the expeditions, all core team members address these questions from their own roles and explore each other’s perspectives.

Action programme spatial design (ARO)

The ‘Maakruimte learning community’ is part of the the Action programme spatial design (Actieprogramma Ruimtelijk Ontwerp (ARO)), which jointly promotes the power of design from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) and the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK). In terms of its contents, the learning community ties in with the concrete major spatial challenges and working methods of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations’ Mooi NL programme, and in doing so, it monitors the practical applicability of the knowledge developed within the learning community.

Kernteamleden Maakruimte voor Mooi NL  

Femke Coops

Design Researcher at Design Impact Transition (DIT) & TU/e
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Part of the Sustainable Agriculture & Nature core team.

Ziega van den Berk

Landscape architect at MUST
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Part of the Sustainable Agriculture & Nature core team.

Lenneke Büller

Project leader of the peat meadow area Aldeboarn – De Deelen, Beekdal landscape Koningsdiep Foundation | the Nije Boarn
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Part of the Sustainable Agriculture & Nature core team.

Janna Bystrykh

Architect, head of Architecture at the Academy of Architecture
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Part of the Sustainable Agriculture & Nature core team.

Regina Havinga

Sustainability & spatial quality advisor at the Flood Protection Program Directorate
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Part of the Sustainable Agriculture & Nature core team.

Jannemarie de Jonge

Landscape architect & partner at Wing; National Environmental Advisor
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Part of the Sustainable Agriculture & Nature core team.

Lucas De Man

Creative leader Embassy of Circular and Biobased building, director at Company New Heroes and Biobased Creations
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Part of the Sustainable Agriculture & Nature core team.

Marcel de Theije

Project manager province of Zeeland
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Part of the Sustainable Agriculture & Nature core team.

Peter Veenstra

Owner landscape architect at Lola landscape architects
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Part of the Sustainable Agriculture & Nature core team.

Barbara Vos

Creative leader Embassy of Food, researcher and impact strategist
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Part of the Sustainable Agriculture & Nature core team.

Bregje van Wesenbeeck

Scientific director at Deltares, Naturebased Solutions expert and associate professor at Delft University of Technology, jury member EO Wijers competition
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Part of the Sustainable Agriculture & Nature core team.

David van Zelm van Eldik

Agriculture and nature coordinator Mooi NL and program leader ONS Landscape, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
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Part of the Sustainable Agriculture & Nature core team.

Charles Aangenendt

Coordinator of clusters of large-scale industrial estates Mooi NL, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
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Part of the Circular Economy & Energy core team.

Pallas Agterberg

Challenge Officer, Alliander
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Part of the Circular Economy & Energy core team.

Paul Gerretsen

Agent of the Deltametropool Association
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Part of the Circular Economy & Energy core team.

Maarten Hajer

Political scientist and urban planner, Utrecht University
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Part of the Circular Economy & Energy core team.

Saskia Naafs

Strategic advisor, Board of Government Advisors
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Part of the Circular Economy & Energy core team.

Gerjan Streng

Partner and architect Bright, researcher at the A'dam Academy of Architecture
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Part of the Circular Economy & Energy core team.

Teun Strikkers

Sustainability and energy specialist DRIFT and designer design studio Willow
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Part of the Circular Economy & Energy core team.

Robbert de Vrieze

Designer Transformers, chairman Delfshaven Energy Cooperative
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Part of the Circular Economy & Energy core team.

Marco Vermeulen

Architect and urban designer, Studio Marco Vermeulen
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Part of the Circular Economy & Energy core team.

Sander van der Waal

Research director Waag
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Part of the Circular Economy & Energy core team.

Sjoerd Bootsma

Artistic director Arcadia
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Part of the Livable Cities & Regions core team.

Elma van Boxel and Kristian Koreman

Founders of ZUS [Zones Urbaines Sensibles]
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Part of the Livable Cities & Regions core team.

Harry Platte

Director/director Parteon
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Part of the Livable Cities & Regions core team.

Renee Scheepers

Experience architect, Design Researcher at Scheepers&Renee
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Part of the Livable Cities & Regions core team.

Roel Schoenmakers

Initiator Cascoland
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Part of the Livable Cities & Regions core team.

Marloes Schreur

Program director Leeuwarden East
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Part of the Livable Cities & Regions core team.

Marieke Sloep

Program director Pact Poelenburg Peldersveld, National Program Zaandam East, Municipality of Zaanstad
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Part of the Livable Cities & Regions core team.

Jurian Strik

Design strategist Agenda City, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
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Part of the Livable Cities & Regions core team.

Jornt van Zuijlen

Program Manager Participation at the Municipality of The Hague and project leader at the Liveability & Safety program at the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
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Part of the Livable Cities & Regions core team.

Christiaan Wallet

Sector manager area development, economy & business operations, Municipality of Leeuwarden
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Part of the Livable Cities & Regions core team.

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