


Affordable Housing in a Strong Neighbourhood – Community Land Trust Nederland

A Community Land Trust involves residents, users, businesses, neighbours, and local authorities in ownership and decision-making regarding land. Together, this ‘Community’ of people develop, live, and share facilities and manage them collectively. The ‘Land’ is taken from the market and placed in shared ownership. This prevents real estate prices from being influenced by rising land prices, ensuring fairness and accessibility. The ‘Trust’ is responsible for the shared management of the land and buildings, guaranteeing affordability and sustainability for future generations. Sustainable design, construction, and management choices are encouraged because a Community Land Trust is anti-speculative. The Trust focuses on the long-term and the interests of the community.

We will showcase several examples of Dutch Community Land Trust initiatives. We will explain the perspectives of the community, developers, and the role of designers. The session concludes with a discussion of ‘The Community as the Expert.’ The workshop is relevant for initiators, policymakers, and developers who want to discuss how we can collectively make Community Land Trusts possible in the Netherlands.

The workshop will be held in Dutch.

Type event Event
Date & Time

26 Oct 2023 - 14:00 - 16:00

Location Van Abbemuseum
Stratumsedijk 2
5611 ND Eindhoven
Affordable Housing in a Strong Neighbourhood – Community Land Trust Nederland

About the facilitators

And The People is a social design and innovation studio focused on initiating and realising projects that inspire and enable people to make change happen. The studio makes people part of and (shared) owner of sustainable transitions. Taking a systems approach, And The People centers an understanding of the motivations, activities, and ideas of all the stakeholders.


Van Abbemuseum
Stratumsedijk 2
5611 ND Eindhoven

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