


(De)coding Bodies

In today’s data-driven society, our bodies have transformed into places of surveillance, becoming more than just flesh and bones. This talk proposes to dig deep into these pressing concerns, examining how our physical selves are being intricately monitored, coded, and shaped by external forces. Gabriel Fontana’s work will first highlight how sport serves as a biopolitical arena, acting as its own form of surveillance that shapes societal norms and identities from a young age. Next, through the lens of Kaan Hiçyılmaz, we’ll explore the pervasive role of modern surveillance technologies like CCTVs and wearables in logging our every move and behaviour. Together, these perspectives will provide insights into how we can start reclaiming our bodily autonomy and freeing ourselves from these normative, controlling structures.

The event is co-organized by the Embassy of Inclusive Society and Onomatopee X Baltan Laboratories, featuring exhibitions on intersecting themes. The session is held in English.

Type event Workshop
Date & Time

22 Oct 2023 - 14:00 - 16:00

Location Van Abbemuseum
Stratumsedijk 2
5611 ND Eindhoven
(De)coding Bodies

About the facilitators

Gabriel Fontana is a creative director who explores ways to reshape sports for upcoming societal shifts. His method involves designing new team sports that deconstruct group dynamics and foster empathy.

Kaan Hiçyılmaz (Antalya, Türkiye) is an architectural designer and artist based in the Netherlands. His works investigate systematic structures within the everyday context through personal associations-dissociations, embodied actions, and psychogeography.


Van Abbemuseum
Stratumsedijk 2
5611 ND Eindhoven

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