
Dit evenement is vrij toegankelijk.

Design your own A.I.mbtenaar (A.I.civil servant) of the future

The A.I.mbtenaar of the future (translation: A.I.civil servant of the future) artistically and innovatively shapes an interaction between public service providers and residents. We call this A.I.mbtenaar a ‘Public Service Companion’ and it will form the basis for an exhibition consisting of a series of digital portraits that come to life on interactive screens. During this workshop given by the FUTUR Young Civil Servants Network together with Scape Agency, you will shape the public interactions of tomorrow. This Public Service companion will support and strengthen government organisations and civil servants in service delivery.

Type event Event
Date & Time

22 Oct 2024 - 14:00 - 15:30

Location The Square
'Designing Society' expo
Design your own A.I.mbtenaar (A.I.civil servant) of the future
Part of

This workshop will take place in the Designing Society exhibition during Dutch Design Week 2024. THis exposition is freely accesible. We are curious to know what superskills and skills you would like to give the A.I.mbtenaar and thus yourself during this workshop?

Have you become enthusiastic about the workshop? Then we look forward to seeing you on 24 October in ‘The Square’ on the Ketelhuisplein!


The Square
'Designing Society' expo

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