Rehab clinic for Lineair longing
We are facing one of the greatest challenges of human kind. Transform The Netherlands toward a sustainable and circular society in 2050. A society in which long-term thinking, within the boundaries of our planet, has become the social norm and standard. We are currently driving these transformations towards a sustainable society, on technical, legal and proces level, while the mental transition is needed to enhance this transitional proces.
Design Innovation Group organises a preview of a series of talks in the rehab clinic ‘Lineair longing, the rehab clinic for leaders of the old economy’. How ingrained is the predominant way of lineair thinking? What is the effect of it in our actions? And in our assumptions? What could happen if we open up for a different cornerstone of our thinking? Only if people change substantially, real change can occur.
This talk will be in Dutch.
26 Oct 2022 - 10:00 - 12:00
Torenallee 3
5617 BA Eindhoven
About Design Innovation Group (DIG)
DIG operates towards a sustainable society, where people live in harmony with the planet and were they are connected. People are heard, and have the opportunity to develop their talents. DIG enables resilience for organisations and society, as they give meaning and direction to change, to guide future perspectives and to create space for reflection, creative intelligence, design research and inspiring solutions.
Marieke Rietbergen (founder DIG): “DIG connects people and systems to encourage and enhance the extensive transitions we are facing.”
Torenallee 3
5617 BA Eindhoven