Rehearsing Change – Fostering a culture of radical self-care
We all have stories to tell that could enrich the world, whether through words, sounds, or any other expressive act. But sometimes, our voices can’t come out freely because the body is trying to keep us safe. It isn’t just acute trauma that shifts us into survival mode. Stress does that too, and in a complex, profoundly unequal and ecologically imperiled world, most of us don’t feel at ease. In this workshop, Valentina Vella will guide us through somatic exercises based on the Polyvagal Theory and her own embodied artistic practice that will give us a taste of what is possible when we work with and not against the needs of the body and the nervous system.
25 Oct 2022 - 10:30 - 12:30
Kastanjelaan 500
5616 LZ Eindhoven
About Valentina Vella
Valentina Vella writes and makes art about love, failure, embodiment and post-capitalist imaginaries. She is an interdisciplinary artist, performer and poet born in Rome, Italy. Valentina holds an MA in English literature from Roma Tre University and an MFA in Interdisciplinary Arts and Media from Columbia College Chicago. She was the recipient of a College Art Association Fellowship in 2014. Her current research as an arts organizer revolves around the idea of practicing art as a commons and finding ways of creating a mutually supportive art community.
About Baltan Laboratories
Baltan is a cultural in(ter)disciplinary lab, based in Eindhoven (NL). We focus on societal issues in an imaginative and collaborative manner, bringing experts and non-experts together. We believe that the complexity of our world and of the challenges we face no longer allows for a strictly disciplinary, reductionist and western-based approach. Exchanges between different disciplines and knowledges are fundamental in achieving a relational approach that responds to the environmental, political, social, economic, and technological issues we must address today. Through art and design, we rehearse imaginary futures to move towards a more equal and just planet.
Kastanjelaan 500
5616 LZ Eindhoven