Omlab has developed a nature-positive material prototype composed of 98% resources from drinking and wastewater treatment: lime, cellulose, and Kaumera. These innovative slope tiles combat erosion and provide stability for vegetation in the first year, which is crucial for root formation.
Through the slow release of lime and nutrients, the tiles enrich the soil and promote plant growth. As the tiles gradually degrade, the plants and their roots take over the stabilizing function, resulting in a sustainable, self-regulating ecosystem.
Additionally, these tiles can be optimized with site-specific seeds and minerals, enhancing biodiversity and ecological value. The ecosystem services they provide include soil enrichment, cooling, sound absorption, water retention, and carbon sequestration. Omlab’s slope tiles, which can be applied at both shallow and steep angles, exemplify how regenerative building materials can contribute to a healthy and resilient living environment.
Project by: Omlab and Huub Looze & Margreet van Uffelen