The Compass for Change

How do you set the course towards a future-proof food system? Futurall presents ‘Compass for Change’ your interactive guide to explore food issues. This compass helps you navigate through the complex challenges in our food chain.

Spin the wheels and discover your role in the transition to a future-proof food system. Each turn reveals a new perspective on the issue, presents turning points for reflection and action, and provides concrete examples for how things can be done differently. Which course will you choose?

Type Project
Part of Embassy of Food
The Compass for Change
Part of Embassy of Food

Our food system is full of complex and inrerconnected challenges. To work towards a sustainable and equitable food system, we can no longer separate issues such as waste, health, biodiversity, climate change, quality of life and social (in)equality.

Embracing this complexity, however, is easier said than done. Even for the most seasoned change agents, working within complexity can be overwhelming at times. Sometimes you get so deep into the process that you lose sight of your mission. Or you lose yourself in the hairiness of an issue, then you get stuck and it’s hard to get going again.

We created this compass as a tangible and playful tool that helps you navigate that complexity, building on the ideas and experiences of the many food pioneers. The purpose of each layer of the compass is to make space again: for a new perspective, for a different approach and for starting small.

This project is made by Studio Futurall in collaboration with Embassy of Food.

About Futurall 

Futurall is a collaboration between Dutch-American designer Eva Oosterlaken and British designer Finn Strivens. Futurall uses the power of design to actively engage people in shaping the future. They make alternative futures tangible, design spaces for dialogue, and work with communities to change outdated systems, from the outside as well as the inside.

Futurall is active in both the Netherlands and the UK and has previously worked with Nesta, the Scottish and Dutch governments, Fitzwilliam Museum, and Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks, among others, particularly on topics such as local democracy, sustainable transitions (energy, food and land use) and equitable digital futures.

Website Futurall:
Instagram: @studio_futurall
LinkedIn: @Futurall

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