Core team 3: Livable cities and regions

The existing ecosystem as fertile ground

Type Project
Core team 3: Livable cities and regions

The liveable city as a catalyst towards a Mooi NL

Poverty, educational disadvantages, housing problems, unemployment and health problems: in several Dutch cities and regions, liveability is under pressure. How do we break through this negative cycle, which is often passed on from generation to generation? And in what way can the power of making add value to this process?

During two expeditions in the north of the Netherlands, this core team explored these questions for one of those regions: Leeuwarden-Oost. The first expedition was all about research and analysis. In the second expedition, they linked policy to practice in a thinking exercise. Join this core team on their journey to find new perspectives.

Project by: Sjoerd Bootsma, Kristian Koreman, Harry Platte, Renee Scheepers, Roel Schoenmaker, Marloes Schreur, Marieke Sloep, Jurian Strik, Jornt van Zuijlen, Christiaan Wallet and Leonie Wendker.

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