Unlimited participation starts with a vraagje (question)

Everyone should be able to participate in society in a way that suits them. For people with disabilities, that is not always easy. They often face challenges in daily life. When looking for a job, for example, attending a concert, or using public transportation.

Type Project
Unlimited participation starts with a vraagje (question)

In the Netherlands, there are more than two million people with disabilities. Research shows that 9 out of 10 people want to make things easier for people with disabilities, but they don’t always know how. By starting a conversation with a simple question, you can learn what you can do to help. That’s why Vraagje?! was created (the Dutch word ‘vraagje’ translates to ‘quick question’). Play the game on the website Vraagje.nl and learn how to have these conversations. This way, everyone can help make society more accessible.

Vraagje?! is based on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It was developed with the help of people with disabilities and experts in accessibility.

Project by: BKB | Het Campagnebureau in collaboration with Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport

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