Public food

Good food = Public food
Good food as a basic supply for all.

What if healthy, affordable food were available to all? Imagine less diabetes, more equality, and less pressure on healthcare. Public Food and The Vormforensen challenge you to see food as a basic right, just like housing and healthcare. Isn’t it time to rethink our food industry?

Type Project
Part of Embassy of Food
Public food
Part of Embassy of Food

What if good, affordable food was available to everyone? Imagine if our fast-food snacks were replaced by healthy food. What would this mean for our society? Less diabetes, more food equality, less food scarcity, less addiction to unhealthy food, a positive impact on the food industry, less pressure on biodiversity, and legislation promoting healthy choices. The result would mean less pressure on healthcare, and sustainable and affordable choice for all.

The installation, a ‘drawing wall for food ideals’, invites participants to draw a plea for food as a basic amenity. Just as housing and healthcare are basic rights, so should food be.

The commercial food industry currently plays too big of a role in the production of our daily food, while their motives are mainly profit-driven. Public Food and De Vormforensen challenge us to think about a food system in which good food is not a luxury, but a public amenity.

Project by: Public Food and The Vormforensen

About Public Food

Public Food is a food justice organisation. We see this as the fight for public interest over commercial interest. We are committed to making good food a basic amenity. We do this as an action agency and by putting this into practice with Mensa Mensa.

About The Vormforensen

The Vormforensen, founded by Annelou van Griensven and Anne-Marie Geurink, is a graphic design agency that makes complex contemporary issues accessible through graphic design. Together with their clients, they go to the essence of the story and translate it into a tactile form. They deploy their network to ensure a social and sustainable production process.

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