The Hemelwatertoren

The Hemelwatertoren offers an accessible solution for rainwater management in urban areas.

Type Project
The Hemelwatertoren

The tower encourages residents to disconnect their downspouts from the sewage system, allowing rainwater to be locally collected and absorbed into the ground. The tower, built from simple modules made of (reused) plant pots, lets water seep into the soil gradually, contributing to biodiversity and reducing pressure on the sewage system.

The tower is modular and can be enhanced with features such as pet drinking bowls, insect hotels, and bird feeders. Thanks to straightforward instructions, residents can build the tower themselves. A campaign encourages residents to participate, so that together we can playfully contribute to sustainable water management and increased biodiversity in the neighbourhood.

Project by: Ruben Warnshuis and Katinka Feijs in collaboration with Waterschap De Dommel

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