Catalogue exhibition ‘Chronic Health: It’s only human?’
At Dutch Design Week 2019 the Embassy of Health showed the dilemmas in healthcare with the exhibition ‘Chronic Health: It’s only human?’. What do we mean by quality in healthcare and wellbeing? And who determines that quality? How do structural staff shortages, the need for personal attention and automation relate to one another? Should we continue to look for ways of making people better and stronger? Or is our vulnerability something worth preserving? And how do we take care of the health of the planet and of future generations?
To determine the quality of ‘new healthcare’ together, it helps to imagine the future. That’s what designers do best. This exhibition showed their powers of imagination in the quest to achieve a new balance between technology and nature, between perfection and imperfection, between formal and informal healthcare. With a collection that lies at the intersection of science, art, technology and design, the Embassy of Health invited everybody to share their thoughts on this subject. You can download the catalogue of this exibiton on the right side.