De Tekentafel: How does design contribute to a more resilient society?
In De Tekentafel, journalist Niels Guns talks to various guests every month about the power of design in solving social issues. How do you get the most out of a project with designers, what is successful collaboration, and what can it offer an organisation? We will discover it for you in De Tekentafel, a collaboration between Eindhoven Design District and World Design Embassies.
Podcast 7: How does design contribute to a more resilient society?
To answer that question, we talk to Mieke van Heesewijk of the SIDN Fund. She talks about the HackShield project, which uses storytelling and gamification to increase children’s online resilience. They do this with a game for children in which they turn them into real Junior Cyber Agents. Heroes who not only protect themselves, but also their environment from online danger. We also talk to social designer Marjolein Vermeulen about De Nacht Club; a safe place for unsafe subjects. Using the night as a source of inspiration, they organise interventions in public space that invite residents and professionals to be more honest, open and daring under the cover of night.