De Tekentafel: How can design contribute to system change?
In De Tekentafel, journalist Niels Guns talks to various guests every month about the power of design in solving social issues. How do you get the most out of a project with designers, what is a successful collaboration, and what can it offer an organisation? We will find out in De Tekentafel, a collaboration between Eindhoven Design District and World Design Embassies.
Podcast 10: How can design contribute to system change?
A number of man-made systems function in such a way that natural and social systems break down to the point of no return. Consider the depletion of resources, the dichotomy in society and the rat race in the Western world that leads to mental health problems. Imagination is the basis for fundamental changes that are needed. Designer Beatrijs Voorneman (Reframing Studio) and strategic advisor René Poort (Reclassering Nederland) join Niels Guns to discuss how design can contribute to changing these systems.