Probation Service Netherlands seeks social designer for permanent position

Reclassering Nederland, partner of the Embassy of Safety, has posted a vacancy for a social designer who is dedicated to creating a safe and inclusive society. An important step in the permanent positioning of design thinking within social organisations.

Type Update
Published on 10 March 2022
Part of Embassy of Safety
Probation Service Netherlands seeks social designer for permanent position
Part of Embassy of Safety

In the WDE Talk of the Embassy of Safety, RenĂ© Poort of Reclassering Nederland (Probation Service Netherlands) announced that social designers should be systematically involved in social issues. The use of design thinking leads to new insights and unexpected angles. Designers go off the beaten track, something that is not common in many organisations. With their boundless curiosity, boldness and broad (creative) toolkit, they have the capacity to shake things up. “Designers keep asking questions until they get to the bottom of it,” Poort explains.

As World Design Embassies, we stand for involving designers and using design thinking to solve social issues. The fact that this is now recognised by large social organisations, such as the probation service in the Netherlands, is a great confirmation of this. We are proud that the partnership with WDE has contributed to this.

Curious about the vacancy? Or do you know someone who is suitable for it? Read more here.

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