Pallas Agterberg creative lead Embassy of Digital Futures

In 2024, we launched a new Embassy: the Embassy of Digital Futures. A new Embassy cannot do without a creative leader. Pallas Agterberg will fill this role. Agterberg works from different disciplines and approaches: social, art, digital and business. By integrating these elements, she creates new perspectives that can point the way to a new future.

Type Update
Published on 16 September 2024
Part of Embassy of Digital Futures
Pallas Agterberg creative lead Embassy of Digital Futures
Part of Embassy of Digital Futures

‘While building our future, let’s make one where you would love to live.’


Pallas (1963) works has graduated in social science, information management, business administration and art academy. She worked since the early nineties in digitalisation, organizational change, innovation and product development as a consultant and interim manager. Pallas has been active in the energy branch since 2001 and has worked within Alliander since 2004. She is a board member of the supervisory board of MVO Nederland, chair of the supervisory board of OnePlanet Research, chair of Stichting Toekomstbeelden der Techniek and member of the Strategy Council of the Dutch AI coalition.

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