Denmark and the Netherlands: The countries have similarities such as the countries’ relief – flat – and the weather – a lot of rain. The countries also score high on the world ranking of happiest countries, which the United Nations publishes yearly. Denmark is in second place, and the Netherlands is in fifth place. In addition, both countries also attach great importance to design. The Danish government has its own Danish Design Centre (DDC); the Dutch government has named the creative industry as one of the ten top sectors. What can the countries learn from each other? That’s what we discussed with Christian Bason, CEO of DDC. He visited Dutch Design Week 2022 (DDW22) with about thirty colleagues.
“At DDC, we always say that we should experiment, learn and share. We are active on many fronts and communicate about what we’re doing. But we often fall short of really taking the time to learn systematically and to be inspired. This DDW22 is a huge source of inspiration for us.”