Watch the WDE Talk: Shaping a liveable and healthy environment for all

How do we design a living environment that increases well-being and liveability, but also improves our health?

Type Update
Published on 6 May 2021
Part of Embassies: Health, Mobility
Watch the WDE Talk: Shaping a liveable and healthy environment for all
Part of Embassies: Health, Mobility

The Embassy of Mobility was formed around important core questions. What would happen, for instance, if the quality of life were central to designing mobility? Or if mobility were to ensure better welfare and greater connection? What if mobility were not about more traffic, but rather about preventing transport movements? What if mobility made a positive contribution to the environment? From the Embassy, we want to bridge gaps and bring people closer together, contribute to the environment by bringing greenery where cars used to have their place and stimulate local entrepreneurship.

In February 2021, the Embassy of Mobility published a manifesto motivating this vision: mobility should not be a goal, but a means. And how can mobility then be used to increase the quality of life?

The Embassy of Health will also focus on the liveability of public space in 2021. How do we design our living environment to increase well-being and liveability and thus improve our health? Good health is not something you can take for granted. It is not only your genes and level of education that determine whether you stay healthy. Your living environment also promotes or impedes your health. This year, a number of themes are central to this embassy. An important one is “Our health is a vital environment”. How can we design our living environment so that it challenges us to live (more) healthily? Are we prepared – as a society – to invest in this, so that everyone can take up the challenge of a healthy life on his or her own terms?

On Thursday 29 April we talked with curator Rob Adams (Six Fingers) from the Embassy of Mobility and Jetske van Oosten (Stimuleringsfonds) from the Embassy of Health in this WDE Talk. Alexander D’Hooghe, Flemish urban planner, connected among other things to the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and founder of Organization for Permanent Modernity (ORG), will also join us as table guest and expert in the field.

Want to watch more WDE Talks? Then click here. Please not that these talks are in Dutch.

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